Super Humanizer Success

Our Why

We promote empathy and understanding in polarizing viewpoints through stories told by people living them.

Our Courageous Guests

Guests include accomplished humanitarians and peace activists with lived experience advocating for humanity, equality and freedom for all including Arabs, Jews, Palestinians, Israelis and allies.
Guests have included:
  1. Issa Amro: Right Livelihood award winning peace activist and UN Human Rights Defender.
  1. Maoz Anon: Award winning peace activist who tragically lost his parents on October 7th.
  1. Penny Rosenwasser: Jewish Voice for Peace founding board member.
  1. Mara Kronenfeld: UNRWA USA Executive Director.
  1. Aline Batarseh: Visualizing Palestine Executive Director.
  1. Antony Loewenstein: Award winning journalist and author of “The Palestine Laboratory”.
  1. Dr. Jill Stein: Green Party US Presidential Candidate.
For all guests please click here.


Our Courageous Hosts

Combined across their socials Dr. Hani Chaabo and Katie Bogen have a reach of more than 134 million accounts.

Dr. Hani Chaabo

is a Lebanese-Palestinian-American doctor specialized in family, integrative and psychiatric medicine with a sub specialization in addiction medicine. He has a following of
112 thousand on Instagram where he posts about health and human rights. He is also a nationally recognized Well-Being Leader in Healthcare by the American Academy of Family Physicians and has been featured in the American Medical Association’s Steps Forward Podcast and on NBC News.
Learn more about Dr. Chaabo on LinkedIn.

Katie Bogen

is a Jewish psychology doctoral student specialized in trauma. She is also an Israel-Palestine scholar. She has a following of
179 thousand followers on instagram and 226 thousand on TikTok where she posts about mental health and human rights. She has been featured on Al-Jazeera on multiple occasions and Vox.
Learn more about Katie Bogen on LinkedIn.

For even more check the SuperHumanizer About Page.


Top Chart Rankings

*verified on as of 12/1/2024

Top 5 Episodes

We are proud of every episode with thousands of viewers on YouTube and listeners across all podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Deezer, and Amazon Podcasts.

Social Media Metrics

Our one year growth across social media has been absolutely astounding thanks to our expanding community of Super Humanizers. Here are some of our metrics worth highlighting as well as reviews left by our heartful community.



Account Insights as 12/1/2024

90 Day Reach: 689,720 accounts
30 Day Reach: 341,326 accounts

Most Viewed Reels

Half Nazarene

Allyship In Polarity

21 Apartheid Laws

Choosing Life Jews Defying Victimhood

Jonathan Glazer & The Oscar


Subscribers: 23K

Most Viewed Content
